>I'm getting ready to make a presentation on networking to our
>applications programmers and in doing so I've realized just how
>far behind some of the LISTSERV documentation has gotten. LISTSERV
>MEMO on NICSERVE is now over a year old and documents 1.5d.  Eric
>apparently has his hands full with the code right now.  How about
>some volunteers to help him with the documentation, especially the
>external end user documentation?
I wouldn't mind helping out with the documentation, but there is a lot
of information about LISTSERV that I (and probably most of us) do not
It would be nice to have the documents in raw SCRIPT format that usable
by both IBM SCRIPT and Waterloo SCRIPT.   This would mean no fancy stuff
such as using GML which differs between the two versions of SCRIPT.
It would also be nice if there were many volunteers, so the task could be
divided up evenly.