>Not to sure  about this latter, Harry. The problem  is, your average dumb
>end-user will just  react this way: "Me  no see he reply,  me again try".
>Then you have  several requests queued. That's what  happens with servers
>that batch out  GET requests: you've got  to check the file  has not been
>already  ordered. This  works  with GET  requests, but  it's  a bit  more
>difficult when commands (possibly including  DDs and suchlike) have to be
>distributed. I'm not saying it's not a good idea, but we have to consider
>the implications carefully. Well it all  depends what the command will be
>used for: if it's to kick off  a list of 200 trashed accounts, there's no
>problem waiting for it to happen  overnight. If you're trying to locate a
>list when you don't know its nodeid... Maybe a DELAY=YES|NO keyword could
>do it, but then you can trust everybody to use DELAY=NO :-)
>  Eric
Well, I'm probably on my own agenda, then what else is new.
But the beauty of the thing is, add in a Listserv-Listserv communication
language of information. (No, I don't have a design)  This could include
such things as "Here is a list of public lists I have", "Here is a list
of the dates/versions of my control files", "Here is my postmaster", etc.
The knowing where each list has been shown as a desirable feature by
many people.  I think if was Jose Maria that asked we each keep PEERS NAMES
up to date with list names.  NETMONTH just published a list.  If we had
a Listserv-Listserv communication, each Listserv could have the entire list
of lists, acurate within a few days.  (Maybe less, if some of the
communication was delta format).  This would allow the potential for any
user to use any Listserv to subscribe themselves to a list.
  BEFORE everyone yells it can't happen
It isn't a security problem, because it isn't anything different that the
user doing it themself.
It isn't that much extra data on the Listserv disks.  There are currently
less than 100 Listserv, and it hasn't been growing as exponentially as
when we first started.  The average Listserv has probably 10 lists or
less.  So we are talk about 1000 lists.
The message reply at the initial Listserv would say forwarding to Listserv X.
Listserv X would then send the MAILFORM, which would given the user the
correct server to send contributions.
I can't tell you the number of subscription requests I get here for lists
at other servers.