For whatever its worth, I don't mind getting an occasional one or two line
memo that I can just simply, easily, no-doubt-about-it, "DISCARD".
With all of the many pieces of electronic mail that I get daily during work
that require me to spend lots of time, do lots of things, write lots of stuff,
etc., its nice to get these little ones that I can chuck in the basket.
Besides, I believe Eric that there is no easy programmatical way to scan for
these messages and get rid of them with 100 per cent accuracy.  And as I said,
for my part its really not worth putting in the effort or using the cpu to do
it.  There are lots of other problems worth solving like....
Ooops, gotta go, another mail file just arrived in my reader.
I really hope its one of those little one liners I can throw in the bit bucket!