** A comment I received (name not put in, to protect the guilty):
An analogy to the messages people send to lists to ask for subscriptions:
Whenever I announce I have some nice program or file available, I announce
it on the list, but tell people to send their requests directly to me.  I
then add that if a request does come in via the list, I will not only NOT
HONOR the request, but will exclude that address from being honored on a
direct request that might arrive later.
** My comments:
   So no one is allowed to make a mistake once?  When the realize what
they did, they will do it properly, so cutting them off like this is not
going to help.  If you want to make your list send=private, then it
might help a bit more in some cases, but you are still stuck with other
problems.  In short, it wastes more time to be intolerant than helpful.
I would never have this type of policy.  I always send a little file to the
person explaining the error, and then, if they do it again, I take it on a
case by case basis.