LSVFILER has  been modified  for release 1.5n  to automatically  re-access R/O
disks which have been modified since they were last accessed. This allows user
programs to read  files on shared R/O minidisks without  having to worry about
re-accessing the minidisks if they get a  read error (the worst being that you
usually don't  get a read error  - you get  garbage data, or sometimes  a FILE
SYSTEM ERROR  DETECTED, but you  seldom get an  ERROR '3' READING  FILE). This
automatic re-accessing takes place only if:
- The target minidisk is accessed R/O.
- The NOREACC option was not specified.
- The disk has been altered since the last ACCESS.
An informational message is printed before the disk is re-accessed. Nothing is
printed if it is  not, of course. This new facility  will cause one additional
I/O operation to take  place in the "normal" case where the  disk has not been
modified since last  access. The additional CPU time required  to perform this
test  is less  than 0.005  sec  on a  4381-11  (=4341-12). The  I/O time  may,
however, considerably slow down read operations  on very small files, which is
why the NOREACC option was provided. In most cases, this will be negligible.
Please note that when  the STOR option is specified, the  test will take place
only if the file was not previously  held in the in-storage cache. That is, it
will be done only when it is known that the file has to be actually brought in
from disk. No ability exists to detect  that the in-storage copy of a file has
become obsolete, as this would considerably slow down access to these files.
This new feature  should solve the 'L.0 not numeric'  REXX error that occurred
from  time  to time  when  DOMAIN  NAMES was  modified  and  LISTSERV was  not
LIAISON  readers:   The  new  version   of  the  program  is   available  from
[log in to unmask]  The remainder  of this  note will  probably not  be of  any
interest to you.
LSVIUCV has been modified for release 1.5n to return some info from the SFBLOK
to LSVPROF, which will  pass it on to LSVRDR and minions.  The main purpose is
to avoid  getting into endless  problems with local  mods to the  QUERY READER
*** FLAME ON ***
I have written myriads of CP mods since I started working on VM, some of which
used to alter  the output of standard commands. However  this alteration takes
VMCONBUF is zero. I never had any problem with my local mods breaking standard
programs. Just  because IBM broke a  lot of programs because  they implemented
NLS the  wrong way doesn't  mean that local mods  should compete for  an entry
into the Guinness book of records :-)  I agree that using info from the SFBLOK
is bound to be more transportable than  using QUERY READER output. But I don't
like  local mods  that break  non-local software,  especially when  it can  be
easily avoided, and above all, when it creates additional work for *me* :-)
*** FLAME OFF ***
Anyway, I  should now be  free from the majority  of problems caused  by QUERY
READER mods,  and the code will  also run a  bit faster. However I'm  now left
with very  little addressability space  in LSVIUCV (hopefully enough  for most
local mods - if not, I'll try to do something to save a few dozen bytes).