MAYBE (yes?) this topics be moved over to IBMTCP-L ?
> From:         Michael Wagner +49 228 303 245 <WAGNER@DBNGMD21>
> > On mail ENTERING the 80 character environment, this layer is
> > added, and on mail exiting the 80 character environment, this
> > layer is removed.
>   That sounds reasonable.  As long as people remember that, "that's
>   not 822 running in there"
Right, an ENCODED RFC822, but encoded in such a way that it CAN look
almost like RFC822.  A rather THIN wrapper.
>   If the 80 character environment didn't seem like it was busy
>   taking over the rest of the network, I wouldn't care much.  But
>   much BITNET software only implements an 80 characters subset, even
>   when it isn't necessary.  I get mail as punch files all the time,
>   even though our software has been updated in the last 10 years,
>   and so, we don't need to be pandered to in such a way.
How would you like your mail?  Print?  That's still limited to 132 or 150.
How about disk dump?  netdata?  card dump?  pick your poison and rewrite
MAILER.  BTW, I'll flame a choice of disk dump.