The existing docs are written using IBM SCRIPT, and I don't have Waterloo
SCRIPT. Since standard  GML is so poor (ie lacks  so much functionality),
and that's the only thing that can  be ported easily from DCF to WSCRIPT,
I'm afraid there's no way to compose a decent doc that would format under
both systems. And, if any, it would  have to be done by someone who knows
the two systems.
If one of you  WSCRIPT sites want a copy of the DCF  stuff for one of the
small documents (say P01-009), I'd be  glad to send it. I'd be interested
in knowing  what will format and  what won't, besides the  title page and
icons at the  end of the document.  Maybe we could easily come  up with a
simplified  WSCRIPT  version  that  wouldn't  be as  nice  but  would  be