Chris, I don't like it either but then *I* am not the node manager of
FRULM11 (if I were, I'd have fixed the problem a long time ago). Today,
ERIC, LISTSERV and OLIVIER at FRULM11 were logged off. Funny coincidence,
all three of them are in AUTOLOG1's profile. I don't know what he'll do
tomorrow. I can't complain too much since I'm not paying for my account
nor for LISTSERV - all of this was created out of courtesy, and I really
don't see how I could complain to the FRULM11 staff about it. However,
if this guy keeps playing too much (esp. if I could prove he has forced
LISTSERV off), he's probably going to get himself into trouble. The next
time I go to FRULM11, I'll patch the installation password in the code.
This means a lot more work for me later, though :-(