Question: what  is the difference  between "Review= Owner"  (the DB0TUI11
setting) and "Review=  Public", from the point of view  of the lawyer? If
the information stored on the server  cannot be distributed because it is
private, then the only persons who are allowed to access it are:
1. The registered individual himself.
2. The  contracted person  who is  responsible for  the operation  of the
   service. You, as  a contracted employee of TUI Berlin,  are allowed to
   access this data. If you misuse it, your employer can fire you, or the
   german justice can sue you.
Mister  X,  as  the  owner  of  list  XXX-L,  has  also  access  to  this
information. He lives in a country where  there is no law about this kind
of  information distribution.  Therefore,  he can  freely distribute  the
information he  got from your  server to  anybody in this  country, while
still keeping on the safe side of the law. Your employer cannot fire him.
You, Thomas Habernoll, are responsible for letting this suspicious Mister
X access the  aforesaid confidential information. Therefore  you shall be
held responsible by the lawyers for any abuse he might do.
All of  the above was said  with tongue in  cheek, of course. I  was just
trying to show Thomas that one has to carry one's own logic to its utmost
end :-)