Hello, all.   I'm having the weirdest problem.   When I send a file to
LISTSERV using the Netdata format, I get the following error:
12 Jul 1988 10:58:49 Processing file (6824) from LOIS@UCF1VM
12 Jul 1988 10:58:50 From LOIS@UCF1VM: š\INMR01 á   &  UCF1VM  LOIS
 UCF1VM  LISTSERV  1988071215
12 Jul 1988 10:58:50 To   LOIS@UCF1VM: Unknown command -- "š\INMR01 á   & 
UCF1VM  LOIS  UCF1VM  LISTSERV  1988071215". Try HELP.
12 Jul 1988 10:58:51 Sent information mail to LOIS@UCF1VM
This only happens with netdata format.  If I punch the file or send it
as disk dump, things are fine.  Also, netdata worked fine yesterday.
We tried all of the following:
   1)  Sending several different files
   2)  Using different accounts
   3)  Increasing LISTSERV's 191 disk size (was 77%, now 53% full)
   4)  Reformating LISTSERV's 191 disk
   5)  Dropping RSCSN and bringing it back up
I checked  to make sure  that none of  the LISTSERV execs  and modules
were changed recently.   They weren't.   Then I checked if we had made
any changes on our system.   Nope.    We haven't changed anything even
remotely connected with LISTSERV.
I stopped LISTSERV and sent the file using the three different methods
in order to  make sure they went  to LISTSERV correctly.   I  tried to
peek at them,  when another strange  error occurred.   I got an "Error
accessing spool file."   I looked up the error  code (DMSWPK630S,  for
you VM people), and got the following explanation:  "An error occurred
while accessing the spool file,  or  the virtual reader is busy.   The
reader file may have been purged by  the system,  or the file may have
been  transferred from  your  virtual reader  via  a TRANSFER  command
issued by the originator or the  system operator while the RDR command
was executing."   I queried the  virtual reader,   and it said  it was
ready.  Naturally, the file was neither transferred nor purged.   When
I logged off  and logged back on,   the virtual rdr problem  was fixed
(until the next time that I tried this!   :-) ).   As a last resort, I
received the three files and ran  a comparison program on them.   They
were exactly the same.
We're stuck.  Anyone have any ideas?