Forgive me  for asking what  is probably a  basic question,  but  I've been
trying to figure it out for myself this morning, without success.
I want to define a FAC (for PUTing  files on a FILELIST)  which points to a
list of users.   However, when I try to PUT a file using this FAC, I get an
internal error, saying that the FAC is not defined.
I looked in another  FILELIST which appeared to do this  in order to figure
out the syntax.  I defined the FAC something like this:
*:    PHY = '(PHYS-L)'          /*  some sort of suitable comment      */
I guess I have 3 questions:
   1)  Can this be done, or am I imagining things?
   2)  Is my syntax wrong?
   3)  Does the list need to be in a special format for this to work?
Thanks for your help.