> Date:         Thu, 15 Sep 88 06:44:20 P
> From:         Doron Shikmoni <P85025@BARILVM>
> Subject:      SUSPEND subscription?
> When I go - I do SUSPEND * (NETWIDE. When I come back -
> RESUME * (NETWIDE and whoops - I'm on all the lists that
> I was SUSPENDED on.
> Date:         Thu, 15 Sep 88 20:48:35 IST
> From:         Zvika Bar-Deroma <AER7101@TECHNION>
> Subject:      Re: SUSPEND subscription?
> Sounds a great idea - SUSPEND or 'SET * NOMAIL (NETWIDE'
>            - any of them, or even both as synonyms.
One of the best improvements to LISTSERV I can imagine !
Because today is the last day of work before starting 3 weeks of
vacation, I'd like to kindly request for implementation of such
feature. Prefered naming:     SUSPEND * (NETWIDE
                         and  RESUME  * (NETWIDE
What's your statement on this, Eric ?