There's a problem (in fact more than one) with LSVXAFD. Maybe it's an error on
my side (and probably of other Postmasters also):
Assuming a "xxxxxxxx $PACKAGE" file resides  on a disk other than "A", LSVXAFD
does not  find it  with the  LSVFILER call in  line 383  of LSVXAFD  (the call
assumes the $PACKAGE to be on A). If it resides on a permanently accessed disk
then it wouldn't be much of a problem  (given there is only one of this name).
If it's on a dynamically accessed disk, then ....
Now  PACKAGEs are  special, they  are  described in  a file  with real  fileid
"packagename  $PACKAGE", but  I've never  seen that  they are  required to  be
unique OR that they must reside on the A-disk.
ALTHOUGH  I must  admit that  the code  in LSVFILID  generates fm  A1 for  the
special case of ft FILELIST, $PACKAGE and KEYWORDS.
   .... ???? .....