I would personally do it this way:
1. Arrange for a local account to be opened for each of these persons. No
   disk space,  8k virtual  storage, random password  but not  NOLOG. Put
   these addresses into the list. As  far as LISTSERV is concerned, these
   people do have an electronic address.
2. Write a 15-lines exec which will read  a file (1 record = 1 userid + 1
   bin#, maybe  the bin#  can be made  part of the  userid) and  for each
   user, do a CHANGE  userid RDR ALL DIST bin#, Q  R ALL userid, TRANSFER
   the files  to yourself, TAG them  as appropriate and TRANSFER  them to
3. Arrange for this exec to be  executed every 30 minutes by LISTSERV, by
   adding an entry to WAKEPARM FILE (eg ALL &00:30 00:00:00 EXEC BINS).
Another  advantage is  that the  userid can  then be  used as  a kind  of
"telex" letting people use the network to write to these persons.