Some tests I  (painfully) managed to make on LISTSERV@AEARN,  which was a very
convenient server to make tests on since it's directly connected to CEARN over
a lightly  loaded line, does  not have  any list and  is not on  the backbone,
showed that  the error 32  from CARD LOAD  is something temporary.  By erasing
INSTALL FILE and  re-sending the update files,  I was able to get  the code to
install successfully without doing anything  special. It sounds like the first
set of files arrived corrupted on the reader of [log in to unmask]
Now the problem is  that I cannot resend the shipment  before INSTALL FILE has
been modified  to get rid  of the "failure"  information. There is  a command,
INSTALL CLEANUP, which would do that, but unfortunately it doesn't work if the
shipment was not installed (so that you can't inadvertently discard a shipment
which  is still  awaiting segments).  This means  you'll have  to either  TELL
lines which refer to  CODE_1.5O. When you have done that, just  send me a note
and I'll resend the files (I plan to batch as many sites as possible together,
to save network bandwidth).
Now I'd like to  know how the files got corrupted in the  first place. All the
nodes past  UMSLVMA seem  to have been  affected, along with  AEARN and  a few
nodes  in Canada.  This  is  particularly strange  since  AEARN  got its  copy
directly from CEARN,  which distributed ALL the copies and  can't be suspected
of having  sent a  garbled file  (or then only  one of  the output  copies was
affected, which  seems strange).  In the  case of  UMSLVMA et  seq, it  can be
assumed  that  some node  along  the  path clobbered  the  file  and that  the
following  LISTSERVs  just  distributed   the  belaboured  copy  onwards.  Any
information you could provide about this would be welcome - it's not the first
time CARD decks get maimed, and it probably won't be the last time if we don't
do something about it.