I'm interested   in putting a  few small,   informal help files  for new
LISTSERV maintainers on  our DOCUMENT filelist here at  UCF.   The files
won't be anything approaching "real" documentation (unless of course you
happen to have some :-)),  but at least they'll be a reference point for
beginners  (and maybe, just maybe, Eric won't have to explain everything
500 times.  ;-)).
If anyone  has any scrawled  notes lying  around,  I'd appreciate  it if
you'd send  them on  over to me.    Topics include  anything that  a new
maintainer/owner  needs  to  know (like  creating  new  filelists,   for
Thanks in advance.  :-)
Lois Buwalda  <LOIS@UCF1VM>
University of Central Florida