I know that it may sound silly,  but I just discovered that LISTSERV (that is,
LSVIUCV) will  skip files  which are  either in  user or  system hold  or have
SFBINUSE on. In other words, when  LSVIUCV tells LSVPROF to process file nnnn,
this file has  none of these bits  on. It subsequently gets  CP ORDERed, which
ought to put it first in the queue  and ought to make it impossible for RDR to
even consider getting some info from other files.
So, I'm starting to wonder if all this  business is not simply a bug in the CP
ORDER command, associated  of course with the fact that  RDR won't skip in-use
files... A  file which  was not  in use originally  would be  marked SFBINUSEd
after execution of  the ORDER command, possibly because some  SFBLOK had to be
paged in to move queue pointers, and then the bit isn't cleared *or* the ORDER
command doesn't actually take place.