Excuse my ignorance, but what am I doing wrong, in the following:
<LDBbase UaltaVM
<Note: LINEDIT has been temporarily set OFF for your convenience.
<Connecting to LISTSERV@UALTAVM, please be patient.
<Welcome to LISTSERV@UALTAVM - Release 1.5o, backbone server.
<CPU model 4381, DASD model 3350.
<Enter command, or "QUIT" to exit:
<search          (tapes)   in sas-l  from 01-oct-88
<Search started...
<--> Database SAS-L, 2 hits.
<Enter command, or "QUIT" to exit:
<search   (rexx   tapes)   in sas-l  from 01-oct-88
<Search started...
<--> No hit.
<Enter command, or "QUIT" to exit:
<search   (rexx   tapes)   in sas-l  from 01-sep-88
<Search started...
<Internal error 28 while calling LSVDBS, search cancelled.
<Enter command, or "QUIT" to exit:
<search   (rexx   tapes)   in sas-l
<Search started...
<Internal error 28 while calling LSVDBS, search cancelled.
<Enter command, or "QUIT" to exit:
<Session has been cancelled.