>By chance I got a copy of Jose Maria's note LISTSEND V1.1
>and I there is a need to make some corrections:
 Sorry mister  Birkenbihl read carefully  the objective of this  list (do
you Know how to do  that ?, if not let me know I will  send you a copy of
the Primer's Guide we give our users  here) If you had done that You will
have seen you are completely out of FOCUS.
If you were used to read trough  several list you will be completely feed
up  of the  stupidity  of people  using  lists for  things  they are  not
supposed to be.
 Please think  about it, maybe  in ETHIC-L, LICENSE, POLICY-L,  GGUIDE or
 even  in  LIAISON among  others.  But  if your  intention  was  to do  a
 personnel disqualification then of course  there are no rules, go ahead.
 Are you paid for doing that ? Or is it  a voluntaristic  attitude ?
Anyway  I can  imagine lots  of list's  names (KOMAND-L,  APULLO-L, SS-L,
NACIS-L, where you will have had much more audience and agreament.
>1. Jose Maria is not an EARN volunteer! It is his Job to
>   contribute to the operation and development of EARN and DFN.
>   He is paid for this by GMD.
>2. Although GMD isn't allways in favour of EARN decissions
>   GMD does not not support any strategy of imposing pressure
>   on the EARN administration by selectively distributing
>   technical solutions everywhere but within EARN. This is not
>   a way to improove EARN, it is destructive.
>3. Since Jose Maria is employed by GMD and since the developments
>   he announced where on base of GMD-owned ressources he is not
>   authorized to give any statements on the availability. This
>   is especially true for strange and unjustified statements that
>   do not agree to GMD policy.
>So the best thing to do for now is to ignore Jose Maria's quoted
>paragraph. I guess better news are to follow when Jose Maria is
>back from hollidays.
>Klaus Birkenbihl