>  Since we recently installed a 2.02 Mailer,  we want the server to use it to
>  distribute the  mail files from it's  lists. However, we've been  unable to
>  get the Mailer to  distribute the mailfiles with the list  name as a fileid
>  instead  of the  server's userid  (i.e.  TST-LST MAIL  instead of  MINISERV
>  MAIL).
Just declare your server as a trusted  mailer to your MAILER. I.e., before the
%incoming line in yoir MTPLATE add a line
MAILER will then believe  in everything sent by MINISERV, i.e.  it will put as
the filename  the first  8 characters  of the  userid you  put in  the Sender:
field, or the From:, if Sender: is missing.
  Jose Maria