We have a list that we use to send files to many recipients at
adjacent nodes to us.  However, since 1.5o uses DIST2 to process
these, this ends up creating a job that is sent to the nearest
backbone server (3 hops) which then sends the files right back to
these adjacent nodes (4+ hops).  Rather wasteful.  So, how do I get
these files to be sent without using DIST2?  Does this
 (a) require a change to LOCAL SYSVARS "LOCAL" variable? If so, to what?
 (b) require setting DISTOFF to 1? I'd rather not, since we use DIST2
     for other lists.
 (c) require a list header keyword that I don't know about?  If so, what?
 (d) something else?
Many Thanks & Regards,
Darryl Marsee
Syracuse University