>You will all have noticed the repeated mailings by one, Veronica
>Quatrocchi CSY1@ARGCNEA2 which should, of course, have been sent
>directly to any of the LISTSERVers.  For any that have tried to reply,
>they will have had the mail rejected by their mailer as it is at a
>new node that has not yet reached the routing tables.
ARGCNEA2 is listed in both XMAILER NAMES and the RSCS routing tables dis-
tributed by Chris Thomas in both the 89.02 and 89.01 editions.  If your
MAILER or RSCS is rejecting mail or files for ARGCNEA2, you need to find
the person(s) responsible for maintaining MAILER and RSCS and wish them
a Happy New Year and welcome them back from their extended vacations.
-- Herb