>Reply-To:     VM/SP REXX Language Discussion List <REXXLIST@UCF1VM>
>Sender:       VM/SP REXX Language Discussion List <REXXLIST@UCF1VM>
>From:         "1.5o Revised List Processor" <LISTSERV@OHSTVMA>
>Subject:      Output of your job "REXXLIST"
>> There was a lengthy discussion on "who called the exec".  Does the
>Unknown command -- "THERE". Try HELP.
>All subsequent commands have been flushed.
What starts this kind of looping between peered lists?  (It went back
and forth until REXXLIST@UCF1VM was served off).  We used the NOTIFY
REXXLIST@node OFF command to (hopefully) fix it, but I still don't know
why it started in the first place.  Ideas, anyone?  Thanks in advance ...