On Wed, 17 May 89 09:11:57 PDT June Genis said:
>Can LISTSERV define a list to be local to a group of nodes (e.g all
>those belonging to a single institution) rather than to a single
>host?  If so how would this be specified and what would be the
>visible consequences?  /June
Sure.  Just code:
* Local= UGA*,USCN,GIT*,GTRI01
THis is one I use all the time.  That way, the LOCAL area is all nodes
beginning with UGA, the node USCN, all nodes beginning with GIT, and the
node GTRI01.  This equates to all systems at either the University of
Georgia (including our University State Computer Network system) and all
nodes at Georgia Tech (including the Georgia Tech Research Institute).
Consequences, People at these nodes will receive individual mailings, even
for lists which are not distributed.  However, if I code:
* Service= LOCAL
Then no one can sign up, unless they are at one of these nodes.  Also, if
I am going to do this, I should also add:
* Confidential= Service
Now, the list will only appear to people who can subscribe when they do a
LIST command to LISTSERV, and it will not appear in the LIST GLOBAL command.