On Fri, 7 Jul 89 10:27:12 CDT David Boyes said:
>Has anyone generated a set of LMON parsing templates for RSCS 2.3? We're
>planning on upgrading soon, and the message formats that LMON uses are
>massively different in 2.3.
Yes, but I modified my Q SY (670I) message to be only one line.
For RSCSV23:
    ParseCONN  = "'LINK 'linkid' CONNECT ' check"
    ParseACT   = "'LINK 'linkid' ACTIVE ' check"
    ParseINACT = "'LINK 'linkid' INACTIVE' +0 check"
    ParseIGN1  = "'LINK 'linkid' CLASS=' +0 check"
    ParseQUEUE = "'LINK 'linkid . ' QUEUED='queue ."
    ParseROUTE = "linkid' ROUTED THROUGH LINK 'via"
ParseACTF  = "'FILE 'spid' ('orgspid') 'tonode'('toid') ' ' LEFT 'lrecs' OF '
** add  nrecs ." to the end of ParseACTF (it got cut off)
    ParseQF    = "'FILE 'spid' (' ' ORG 'orgnode '('orgid')'"
    ParseQFVM  = "'FILE 'spid' ' ', NA ' . . name +0 check"