I'm a new list owner.  I've created a list with Subscription= By_owner.
It works as expected for users on the local node; they get the
  "List ... is not open for automatic subscription.
   Your request has been forwarded to the list owner(s): UHCCSYO@UHCCVM"
and the
  "Dear list owner,
   A request for subscription to your distribution list ..."            ersity o
message is sent to me.
When users try to subscribe from outside the local node, they receive
the "List ... is not open for automatic subscription" without
the "request has been forwarded..." part.  Also, a subscription
request is not sent to the list owner userid.
I thought the Service= keyword was the culprit so I set the
Service= keyword to include a list of all nodes that I wanted this
list to service (i.e. Service= UHCCVM,UHCCMVS,UHCCUX,UHCCVX) but it
didn't seem to make a difference.  Can someone tell me what I'm doing