I know this has affected some distributed lists too which still use
BITNIC for a major part of their backbone distribution (ie. BROWNVM or
other sites with old Link Weights files).      Marty
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
   Michael Hrybyk, HRYBYK@BITNIC, has asked me to send this to the
subscribers to the LINKFAIL list.  Until the backlog is cleared up
many lists on BITNIC OR that use the BITNIC LISTSERV for distribution
will be delayed.  LISTSERV@BITNIC went down late Friday afternoon.
Date:         Mon, 07 Aug 89 10:40:29 EST
From:         Michael Hrybyk <HRYBYK@BITNIC>
Subject:      BITNIC Listserv is down
   BITNIC's LISTSERV is down.  We have a corrupted disk, which has to
be restored and the signup file regenerated.  We don't know the root
cause of the problem yet, but are investigating.  In the meantime,
files will continue to stack up.
Mike Hrybyk