I agree with Michael.  The loss of Ross will be felt widely, so I hope
he gets access to BITNET again soon.
As Michael says, changing a nodename is nothing but painful, and LISTSERV
unfortunately just adds to the pain by not providing tools to help us.
Because the PEERS NAMES files have not been updated, LISTSERV is being
directed at a secondary RSCS whose local name is RICE, which at least
allows us to deal with normal distributions acceptably.  However, the
X-xxx jobs that come around for various reasons can't be handled (at
least we haven't figured out how) because the secondary RSCS appears
to TRANSFER the file to LISTSERV, who then rejects it for security
reasons.  Is there anything we can do about this except to wait for
Eric to update the PEERS NAMES files?
Speaking of this, I've seen notes from Turgut recently regarding the
EARN people having a slightly different PEERS NAMES files (or so I remember
in my currently foggy state).  Does this mean that I need to ask both
Eric *and* Turgut to update PEERS NAMES so that the rest of the LISTSERV
universe knows about our name change?  If people individually change their
PEERS NAMES files to reflect our name change will this cause problems? (If
not, and Eric/Turgut can't make the global change quickly, would people
mind changing their own tables for us?)
Has anyone done anything to help users change their subscriptions on
remote lists to the new nodename?  We're going to be keeping the
RICE nodename alive for a long time, but I'd really like to believe that
most of the traffic will be coming to RICEVM1 pretty soon and providing
a way for the NAD to find out who at his site is subscribed to what
would be *extremely* useful.
Again, as Michael says, this is not intended to flame anyone.  After
a week of fighting problems with mail delivery, discovering how to fake
our Mailer and LISTSERV into still pretending that they're really still
at RICE, etc., I'm just too tired to flame.  Next week, however, ... :-)