On Wed, 13 Sep 89 13:03:30 TUR Turgut Kalfaoglu said:
>Christian: I have received no agreements back. Considering that I only
>mailed it 2-3 days ago, that's only normal. I'll post the status on
>regular intervals.. Regards, -turgut
My copies are  with spool-date 6 Sep 89,  around 10 am. But I have  to admit I
forgot that snail-mail is to be used. Thanks in advance for your efforts.
While we are  at it: I don't want  to start another war but  I'm interested in
the number of EARN sites who would try to get 1.6+. Up to now I count at least
2. Would all  those interested drop me  a *private* note (if  you use RiceMail
simply press PF5). I will NOT post the results. Indicate also if you intend to
use both versions (LISTSERV and LISTEARN).
<the same as above>