In article <LSTSRV-L.89091016481188@CEARN>, Eric Thomas <ERIC@LEPICS> says:
>4. You  have to understand that  each LISTSERV is running  with the local
>   version of BITEARN NODES,  and that in a number of  cases this is very
>   old because the postmaster doesn't have  time or is too lazy to update
>   it. LISTSERV@PSUVM can't  know that, and has no reason  to reject your
>   request.
Well, being the postmaster mentioned here, let me apologize for any problems
which may have occurred; the situation has been corrected.
(trivia fact: we weren't lazy and we did have time, what did go wrong was that
listserv ended up linked to the wrong disk after our vm/xa conversion so it
wasn't seeing the updated file.  What a waste, all that updating and nothing
to notice it :-)