On Thu, 26 Oct 89 23:02:33 GMT Eric Thomas said:
>I have noticed, by pure chance, that  EARN versions of PEERS NAMES (ie the one
>that  Turgut distributes  to EARN  sites)  is not,  as I  had always  thought,
>identical to the one used for BITNET, despite what Turgut had originally said:
well, the situation is not that sneaky, or evilish :) since I am supposed to
alter the EARN site's configuration in PEERS NAMES, this was the desired
configuration. In fact, I never made them non-backbone on the EARN tables!
During the last meeting, those sites have been notified of their
"aged to a perfection" tables (sorry, couldn't help it), and right now
I checked, and they are both recent again.  I didn't write to you
about it, because I didn't DO anything :)   regards, -turgut-