> Changing list name from MKT160 to MKT505
You have several options, depending on if you want to keep the old
listserv logs, old users, etc. I assume you want to keep all these:
The easiest path is to login to listserv's account, stop it (this
is optional, otherwise simply add a CMS to the beginning of the
following commands), rename the old list to the new name, and rename the
archive files as well. So, RENAME MKT160 LIST A MKT505 = = , RENAME
MKT160 LOGnnnn A MKT505 = =, etc. Once done, create a new VM which will
be identical in VMUSERS DIRECT to MKT160, called MKT505.
I think that's it. Now send a LIST command to the server, and see if
everything looks fine.
If the list is peered, the procedure is slightly different, but I assume
that it's not.  Regards, -turgut