I have the following line in the header of my list, PSI-L@RPIECS:
*  Owner=  [log in to unmask], BGEER@HAMPVMS  (Ben Geer)
The two addresses point to separate accounts, both of which I use.  The
problem is that LISTSERV recognizes only the first one.  This is especially
a problem because the second account is the only one that can receive
NETDATA files such as the list.  (The list can be sent to the first address
in LISTSERV-Punch format only.)  When I send a list-owner command to
LISTSERV from the second address, it sends me a message saying "You are
not the owner of PSI-L."  I used to have a separate "Owner=" line for
each address, but this meant that I received two copies of every delivery
error notice, one at each address (even though I only have one address
in "Errors-to".  What should I do about this?  Is it a bug in LISTSERV?
Please reply directly to me.
Ben Geer
[log in to unmask]