On Thu, 1 Mar 90 02:38:00 CST Steve Schallehn said:
>  Here at Kansas State University, we have need for a special listserv
>group configuration and none of us know quite how to approach it.
........lines deleted.......
>We are looking for a way to allow the consulting staff (a group of
>10 or so people) to see the incoming messages but not have them
>posted for the general list readership.
In the list header I'd set:
*          Send= Editor
*          Editor= CONSULT@KSUVM
Now -  the userid from which  the consultants will check  before sending
the message  to the list would  be CONSULT (or whatever  userid you find
appropriate).  I'm afraid  they'll  (the consultants)  have  to see  the
messages  when logging  on to  CONSULT (or  LINK/ACC to  it to  read the
messages in the appropriate "notebook".  Note that only CONSULT would be
able to have  messages distributed to the list, and  therefore should be
open to all consultants (by open I mean LOGON-able).