On Wed, 28 Mar 90 15:50:00 EST Mark_Strawcutter said:
>PMDF is not a mail system, just a router.  It builds 822 headers but has
>nothing to do with what the body of the mail message.  We've never had
>any problems like this with PMDF.  What exactly do you think it's doing?
You're right (I'm not much of a VAX person).  Apparently the command that
is being used is the REPLY/EXTRACT subcommand of the VMS "MAIL" command.
According to my co-workers that support our VAX's, there is no option to
keep the headers from being included.  You can only edit them out manually.
* Taryn L. Westergaard           (602)621-2996
* BITNET: taryn@arizvm1          INTERNET: [log in to unmask]