I just got the following in my mailbox. The strange thing is that
it is (according to the mail program on our system) from "Listserv".
Normally, mail sent to a list is from "listname".
I can't see this being a problem with our mail program, nor our
mailer softare. It does concern me though, because I don't want
our users replying to this type of mail with our answer command.
My question is: Is this a problem that should be resolved locallly
(ie here at CMR001), or it is the result of something another
node is doing, or is it a problem with listserv (unlikely)?
Below is a copy of the message, the lines starting with >> are
generated by our mail program, and the Received: by our mailer.
The rest is standard net mail stuff.
Thanx for your time,
Michael Brown
<[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: 03/28/90 17:27  Rcvd: 03/28/90 17:27  Number: 54
>>   To: Michael Brown                           From: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: <>
>Received: by CMR001 (Mailer); Wed, 28 Mar 90 17:27:33 EST
>Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 08:21:21 EST
>From: U93_KTUKOVIN@SITVXB  (Admiral Tikmok --- addressing you from VAX)
>To: pcserv-l@rpiecs
>Subject: RE: Locking the list?
>X-VMS-To: Q%"pcserv-l@rpiecs"
>Message-Id: <9022882121.2580a17e.U93_KTUKOVIN>
>Are we going to screen out only novice computer command or are
>to screen out both computer command and questions?