On Fri, 27 Apr 90 16:39:53 PDT a poster to LSTSERV-L said:
>review lstsrv-L@DEARN
>index lstsrv-L@DEARN
>INFO genintro
>info database
Wouldn't be nice if commands could be entered this simply, after entering
the local mail package! What the user really is supposed to send the
following requests to various LISTSERVs:
review lstsrv-L SHORT     <------ Can go to a local LISTSERV running
                          <------ version 1.6 or later. You can use an
                          <------ interactive command if you local
                          <------ LISTSERV is on the same machine.
                          <------ The request is forwarded to a backbone,
                          <------ which sends back a list of all the peers
                          <------ of the list.
review lstsrv-L SHORT LOCAL
                    <------ Send again, this time to LISTSERV@SEARN
                          <------ (the peer nearest you),
                          <------ in response to the output of the
                          <------ preceding REVIEW command. The SHORT
                          <------ and LOCAL options prevent an unwanted
                          <------ list of subscribers, and the command
                          <------ from being sent to the peers of this
                          <------ list, respectively. A non-interactive
                          <------ method of sending the request is
                          <------ suggested, if there is no response to
                          <------ an interactive request.
                          <------ Here's what I got, sent as mail
                          <------ in response to an interactive command:
*  Forum on LISTSERV release 1.6
*  Review= Public    Subscription= By_owner     Send= Public
*  Notify= Yes       Reply-to= List,Respect     Files= No
*  Stats=  Normal,Private                       Validate= Store only
*  Notebook= Yes,L,Monthly,Public               Mail-Via= DISTRIBUTE
*  Owner=  ERIC@SEARN       (Eric Thomas)
*  Owner=  Quiet:
*  Owner=  HAROLD@UGA       (Harold C. Pritchett)
*               SEARN <--> POLYGRAF <--> RUTVM1 <--> UGA
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:   20
* Total number of local node users on the list:    1
                          <------ The important line is the Notebook line
                          <------ above. Not all peers have a copy of
                          <------ the notebooks (also called archives).
                          <------ There's no mention of a database.
index lstsrv-L            <------ Only if the preceding REVIEW shows the
                          <------ archives to be at the server. This
                          <------ command is not forwarded.
INFO genintro             <------ These can go to a local LISTSERV
info database             <------ ...........
                          <------ I would also suggest a DATABASE LIST
                          <------ to the appropriate LISTSERV, to make
                          <------ sure the database commands will work.
                          <------ Not all archives are in a database.
                          <------ There is a database at SEARN.
>Melcir Erskine-Richmond, Co-Ordinator - GlobalCP
>C% U.Vic. Chapter - World Future Society,
>University of Victoria, S. U. Bldg., P.O. Box 1700
>VICTORIA, B.C., V8W 2Y2, Canada
>Fax: Canada + 604 + 721-8653             Bitnet: globalcp@uvvm
>Arpa/Earn/Janet: [log in to unmask]   Unix: [log in to unmask]
>We need to plan now for a future we want to enjoy! - Study Futurism.
I often get LISTSERV requests misdirected to the list. Normally I reply only
to the poster. But I'm posting this one because it's appropriate to this list,
and because it illustrates several of the problem LISTSERV users have. I've sent
the poster his own copy, in case he's not subscribed, or has set NOMAIL, or the
LISTSERV or a mailer isn't working ....
"Let your flippers do the walking" :-)
Peter Jones                    (514)-987-3542
Internet:Peter Jones <[log in to unmask]>  ?
Internet:Peter Jones <[log in to unmask]>  ?
UUCP: ...psuvax1!uqam.bitnet!maint