We've recently add some RSCS v2 nodes to our local network.  We have LMON
monitoring both V1 and V2 and all is working fine, except for a couple of
annoyances.  The "Q linkid" command now returns a two line response, only
the first line of which LMON appears to parse.  The second line filters up
to the console log, making for lots of extra useless garbage.  Can I safely
add a line the node variables to stip this out?  Maybe something like
   ParseJUNK = "'Link 'linkid' class=* hold=no drain=no queueing=priority'"
Will that upset LMON?
Second, we currently have RSCS rerouting msgs and files to almost all of our
users.  For every message that RSCS sends out, the console log has a line like
I am told we can't turn it off at RSCS :-(
Somewhere, Listserv is filtering and tossing out all the FILE SENT msgs
and similar junk.  Can I add the reroute msgs to that list?  Can someone
point to where it is?
Thanks much,
Steve Middlebrook