I'm looking at setting up a package for people to AFD to, and have some
questions about what options I as the package owner have.
1. Is there a good way to learn who has an AFD to the package or parts
   of the package?
   I'd really like to be able to get a list of everyone AFD'd to the
   package by some command, although getting a file which had this list
   would be acceptable.
2. Is there a way for me to specify how the files are to be sent,
   regardless of the recipient nodes :fformat tag?
   I have a package with a *lot* of small files.  I'd really like to
   be able to bundle these files in something like CARD DUMP format,
   then have LISTSERV simply punch the bundle.  Under normal circumstances,
   however, LISTSERV seems to want to use the :fformat tag, e.g.,
   send the bundle in a NETDATA format, which will require the recipient
   to RECEIVE the bundle, punch it back to his or her reader, and *then*
   do a CARD LOAD to get the files.