On Tue, 24 Jul 90 11:36:00 CDT Nick Donaldson University of Manitoba said:
>I am not a listserv maintainer but I do own a mailing list. One of the
>things that I have discovered is that when people go away on vacation,
>they sometimes have programs running that will respond to their mail
>automatically. One of these programs is called "vacation". It's available
>on some UNIX systems. A member of my list told me that the vacation
>program will not respond to mail that has a header with the field
>Precedence: bulk     in it. Is there a way to get LISTSERV to include
>this field in the header that it produces when distributing list
>mail? Any info would be appreciated.
I don't think LISTSERV should be changed because of ONE program out there.
Especially when you talk about adding to an already increasing header size.