On Thu, 02 Aug 90 10:39:02 CET you said:
>Maybe this group can give me some suggestions (beside of stopping the gateway
>or getting rid of X.400 --).
Ah well ... you've already thought of that ;-)
Eric has  already answered on  LSTSRV-L. I have  a suggestion which  should be
rather simple to implement:
The gateway software  produces RFC822 headers for mailings to  BITNET (this is
deduced from the  headers I saw) and forwards those  files to MAILER. LISTSERV
takes files with valid RFC822 headers  and filetype MAIL and processes them as
MAIL - as long  as the lines aren't longer than 255  characters. The lines are
split into 80  byte records. That's ugly  but then at least it's  mail. If the
lines are longer the "job" isn't processed but LISTSERV forwards the truncated
(mail)file to the postmaster but doesn't distribute it.
So it could work as follows:
+ "Mail" with lrecl <= 80: build RFC822 headers, send as mail via Mailer
+ In any other  case still build RFC822  headers but send via  RSCS in netdata
 format. Give the file  a filetype of MAIL. I assume the  most MUAs are robust
 enough not to die on it but in the worst case flag it as error.
Well, what do you think?