On Fri, 7 Sep 90 13:27:11 EDT Valdis Kletnieks said:
>On Fri, 7 Sep 90 13:14:53 EDT Harold Pritchett said:
>>I would like to suggest that when each site gets the new BITEARN NODES
>>file installed, it would be an EXCELLENT idea to explode all of your lists
>>since the network topology will have changed a great deal, and MANY
>>subscribers should be moved...
>Harold - Care to post the directions on the proper way to explode a list?
>(As opposed to ways that *look* like they work, but don't ;-)
>I know it's been ages since I did it, and I'm sure there's a lot of
>listserv maintainers who have NEVER had to do it before..;)
I didn't know that there was a right way and a wrong way.  Just send mail
or a msg to LISTSERV with the command "EXPLODE listname".  LISTSERV will
send a message "Examining list...".  When complete, it will either send
a message "All subscribers appear to be OK" or it will send a JOB file
containing the necessary commands to move those users who should be
re-located.  RECEIVE this file, edit it and replace the password "xxxxxxxx"
on the first line with the password for the list, and use SENDFILE to
send it back to LISTSERV.  The users will then be moved, and both you and
them will be notified when complete.
>Also - what effect does the :internet tag have on EXPLODE?  Will a user
>with a domain address be moved to the peer closest to his NJE site, or
>to peer closest to the Interbit gate?
I don't believe that EXPLODE currently looks at the :internet. tag.  It
probably should...