> >> I guess the  only "legal" solution for me now is  to load my TOD
> >> clock with US time and use EDT :-)
> >
> >Ah, but there's always GMT!
> I'm already on record elsewhere as recommending that all sites set their
> TOD clocks to GMT, call it GMT, and be done with it
Just one more comment that I can't resist making: the proper procedure
is to load the TOD clock with GMT *always*.  Loal time is kept (in VM)
by adding an offset to GMT and labeling it with the chosen three-letter
tag, but NJE and NETDATA time stamps are supposed to be in GMT, and so
is the &TIME variable in EXEC 2.  Many sites seem to take a shortcut
> P.S. Please don't ask me when the U.S. will adopt metric measures.
Actually, the U.S. adopted the metric system ages ago.  That's why we
now use paper that's 21.6 cm by 27.9 cm and why we get butter in handy
453.6 g packages.