Background information:  as you might  have heard, the REXX  compiler has
been recently added  to the list of HESC programs,  which basically means
that academic sites on the "right" side  of a US customs office will soon
be able to get  it free of charge. This in turn means  most of BITNET may
soon have the  REXX compiler available, and may want  to compile LISTSERV
to save  cycles. Unfortunately, a  significant fraction of the  1.6e code
(in  terms of  number  of  EXEC files)  is  not  compilable; since  these
non-compilable  EXEC's are  the  ones most  frequently executed  (LSVCMD,
LSVDIST2, LSVXMAIL, LSV822IN)  and burning most of the  CPU time LISTSERV
is using, there is very little to  be expected from a compiled version of
Since this was  not precisely satisfactory, I took steps  to make most of
LISTSERV compilable in the next release. Unfortunately this means it will
be a  bit slower when interpreted,  but not considerably so.  Anyway, the
potential savings  for over 70%  of the LISTSERV  sites simply made  it a
non-issue - it just had to be done.
So,  I was  waiting for  the  first LISTSERV  sites to  install the  REXX
compiler when I noticed, yesterday, that  CERNVM already has it. I do not
have a  test LISTSERV account  on that machine, so  I could not  make any
"real life" test, but I did compile a few EXEC's and run some benchmarks.
Since  most  of  the  LISTSERV   code  won't  run  outside  the  LISTSERV
environment, I  substituted "standalone"  EXEC's of  mine with  a similar
"profile"  (read  a file,  do  some  processing, generate  some  terminal
The results are, as I expected, very disappointing. The "purest" piece of
REXX in  LISTSERV, LSV822IN  (does not  issue any  CMS command  and takes
around 1M  instructions to complete)  turned out to  be a mere  3.4 times
faster when compiled. This  in itself would not be so bad  if it were not
by far the best  improvement I have seen; most programs  that do I/O (I/O
really  means  intensive  EXECCOMM-ing  in this  context,  this  data  is
acquired via LSVFILER, not EXECIO -  the CPU time required for the actual
I/O is negligible) are around 2.5, some as low as 1.7. Since your average
backbone LISTSERV spends most of  its time processing DISTRIBUTE jobs and
the compiler won't speed up disk or spool I/O, I think it would be unwise
to expect a CPU improvement in excess of a factor of 2.
Now, what is so bad about cutting  the CPU bill in half? Well, apart from
the fact that this isn't the kind  of performance one would expect from a
"compiler", there is a price to be paid for the 1.7 to 3.4 savings in CPU
time: the  compiled code is  around 4  times larger than  the interpreted
version. This  means you won't need  400k for the EXECLOADed  "core", but
1.6M; I  will let you  draw your own  conclusions as to  the consequences
this will have on the working set  of LISTSERV, and on the amount of disk
I/O generated when a non-EXECLOADed file is called.
It would be  interesting to see whether the compiled  version runs faster
(in terms  of wall-clock  time, notwithstanding the  impact on  the other
users)  on a  "small" machine  with  16M of  real  memory or  less and  a
strained paging  subsystem. I guess  for such sites  the best will  be to
compile what really needs to be compiled, and leave the rest alone.