On Thu, 15 Nov 90 15:42:27 EST Duane D. Weaver said:
>Is there anyway of knowing if these deleted nodes were
>replaced by another node?
>I am particularly interested in SNYGENBA, as a list here has a
>subscriber from that node.
SNYGENBA is replaced with SNYGENVA  (as have most SNY*BA become SNY*VA)
but...   There  are  no  guarantees   that  there  is  a  corresponding
userid@SNY*VA  for every  useris@SNY*BA.   All SNY*BA  nodes have  been
informed  of  the  steps  their  users must  take  to  re-subscribe  to
interested  lists  from their  SNY*VA  accounts.   The SNY*BA  machines
became unexpectly  disconnected from  BITNET access without  warning so
there was no time for users to  UNSUB and SUB again.  I've spent a good
amount of time on this - trust me ;-)