>I'm afraid I don't  understand the question.
You're not alone.
>                                              One thing I  can say is that
>MAIL-11 +  VMSMAIL is not an  RFC822 mail system, it's  a VMS/DECNET mail
>system. It does  not have a *concept* of 'Sender:'  or 'Reply-To:' or the
>like, it  knows about the  person who sent  the message, period.  Given a
>message with 'From:',  'Sender:' and 'Reply-To:' pointing  to 3 different
>addresses, which  one should you select  as the origin (and  recipient of
>any reply to the message)?
The two MTA -> VMSMAIL (MUA) situations I'm familiar with are vanilla JNET
and JNET with PMDF.  JNET just uses the 822-From: to create the VMSMAIL-From:.
PMDF uses Reply-To:/From:/Sender: in that order (if present).
I prefer the PMDF approach since it lets me "answer" to the right person.
Others prefer the JNET approach because they like to see originated the
message on a DIR of their mail.
Mark J Strawcutter                           BitNet:    MJSTRAW@IUP
Director, Systems and Data Communications    DNS (mx):  [log in to unmask]
Indiana University of Pennsylvania           Phone:     (412) 357-4000
Indiana, PA   15705                          "you can't nail jello to a tree"