   Sorry to be a bother again. Thanks to all experts who helped with
   me with to obtain the completee lists on bitnet & internet. This has
   led to the two following questions:
1 - Jeff Linders (thanks :-) ) had suggested to use the LIST GLOBAL
    command and it does a give a complete  list. However I have seen a
    bitnet list ( in 89)  which gave the list address
    PLUS A SMALL ABSTRACT for each discussion list.
    The new one just give a one liner description.
    Is there a way to get a list with more detailed description (similar
    to the one in Internet).
2 - Where is the LIST GLOBAL command described? I have seen
    LIST detailed|long|short.
ú MAILER UGA 12/17/90
§Network Mailer      Ratilal.R.Haria@NRC 12/17/90 mail delivery error