On Tue, 22 Jan 1991 15:27:15 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>You must not specify a generic entry for '* *' anywhere, as it will match
>any file (obviously).
A few questions (sorry but I'm not in the mood for long sentences):
- "disallow" generic entries ?
- do not flag FILELISTs as filelists ?
- do not put FILELISTs in the root ?
>No, because  these are  not the  same files.  If a  match occurs  for XYZ
>NOTEBOOK on  the ABC FILELIST,  LISTSERV will  search ABC FILEID  for the
>real CMS  fileid.
My fault (or mistake) - I didn't  look into the depth of LSVFILID where a
check is made if fn == filelist ... but better save than sorry :-)