Since my first message adressing this topic is still unanswered let me repaet
and add some new observations.
In reply to "AFD list" I received the following from LISTSERV@BITNIC:
> List of files in your AFD-list:
> Filename Filetype Filelist  Prolog-text
> -------- -------- --------  -----------
> --> To the [log in to unmask] address:
> [ list deleted]
This leads to the question whether or not it is possible to influence
the '--> To' address and if its's possible, how ?
Especially because of the following reply which I received after an update
of my AFDs:
> List of files in your AFD-list:
> Filename Filetype Filelist  Prolog-text
> -------- -------- --------  -----------
> --> To the [log in to unmask] address:
> [ list deleted]
> --> To the [log in to unmask] address:
> [ list deleted]
Why are there two different addresses for the recipient?
Frank Elsner, Postmaster at Technical University Berlin
                            Central Computing Center
                            Berlin, Germany