On Mon, 28 Jan 91 10:11:51 EST jon hilgreen said:
>CHris is right, but stopped reading.  WHat Hans means is hi mailreader thingy
>reads a mail message in, if it has 72 equals symbols or more in a row, it
>chops the message in two and puts in in two mail files, part one, and part two.
>Which is a pain when you have 100 new messages a day.  SO in other words dont
>use '='s as a divider, use '-'s!  8*>
Using a line of equals as a message separater is SOP for IBM CMS's Rice
Mail, probably the most commonly used mail front end on BITNET.  However, I
find using MAIL to read mail consumes HUGE CPU resources compared to IBM's
Readerlist (customized for my own taste) & PEEK.  I only use MAIL (MAILBOOK
actually) to "read" mail I plan to reply to.  PEEK doesn't care about the
=== signs.  Most of the time what folks have following all those equal signs
is their .sig which I rarely miss :-)